Literature Works
Supporting outstanding outcomes in reading, speaking and listening, writing, within English and across the curriculum.
What is ‘Literature Works’?
Literature Works provides an approach to reading and writing development which benefits the whole school. With a strong school improvement focus Literature Works enables you to address your school priorities within English and English across the curriculum. It enables teacher`s to plan and assess for breadth and depth, deploying appropriate strategies, in order to secure and extend pupil learning against year group expectations. Pupils are enthused, enjoy reading, are encouraged to share their views on what they have read and develop the ability to compare texts and express opinions about them. In writing, pupils are able to write with a clear purpose, audience and form, applying sentence and vocabulary level work appropriately, consequently pupils achieve more.
Aims of Literature Works
- To improve outcomes for all pupils.
- To broaden and deepen children’s learning within English and across the curriculum.
- To provide high quality CPD for teacher`s and SLTs with a clear focus on planning for ‘reading into writing’ with associated teaching and learning and assessment strategies.
- To improve reading and writing processes including, reading to learn.
- To extend teachers knowledge of children’s literature (including non-fiction and poetry) ensuring that texts studied by pupils are sufficiently challenging to meet the demands of a broad and balanced curriculum.
- To facilitate enquiry based teacher learning and networking opportunities.
- To facilitate relationships with Newcastle Library service and access knowledge and resource.
- Develop use of school website to provide a platform for sharing resources, ideas and knowledge.
Does it really work?
“Literature Works’ continues to make a significant contribution to improving reading and writing outcomes for pupils. Developed in partnership with Newcastle City Libraries, with a strong school improvement focus, it can help you to shape a vibrant reading and writing culture that will benefit the whole school. Pupils are enthused, find learning purposeful and evidence shows they achieve more”. Jan Corlett, Principal Advisor, School Improvement
“Through Literature Works, schools and libraries identify the best and most enjoyable reading opportunities for children and young people”. Tony Durcan OBE, Director of Culture, Libraries and Lifelong Learning
“The Literature Works has reminded us all – staff, children and parents just how much we love books, reading and writing! We have been amazed at how much we can draw from working with just one book, and the impact on learning across the curriculum and on children’s reading habits at home”. Jo Warner, Headteacher, Westerhope Primary School
“Literature Works has certainly enabled us to raise the profile of reading and writing within our school. Our book based approach to curriculum planning ensures that pupils have more opportunities to immerse themselves in quality literature and to extend these experiences across the curriculum. Literature Works clearly has assisted the Literacy Coordinator in moving our work forward across the school.” Mark Outterside, Headteacher, Waverley Primary School
“I have been delighted with the amount of time staff are supporting each other as a result of engagement with Literature Works.” Mike Donnelly, Headteacher, St Alban`s Primary School
“The programme has certainly helped to raise expectations and has helped staff develop more effective planning based upon the needs of the children in an organised and coordinated manner across key stages.” Primary School Headteacher
“The termly subject leader meetings are excellent. Inspirational and informative.” School English Subject Leader
“I have thoroughly enjoyed being involved in the ‘Literature Works’ strategy.” Primary School Class Teacher
“Fantastic practical ideas and strategies. Excellent workshops for teachers.” Primary School Class Teacher
“Literature Works enhances the partnership at a local level between schools and libraries. We provide resources, authors and high profile events such as NCBF and Love Books conference which connects schools with experts from the world of children’s literature.” Janice Hall, Libraries Development Manager, Adult and Culture Services
Enhanced delivery—available and accessible to all schools engaged
New Schools (£1325) – for partner schools
- Headteacher or SLT strategic planning guidance on the implementation of a whole school approach to meet Ofsted guidance.
- Lead teacher whole school development, access to teacher strategies, implementation and planning (literature focused and Ofsted related).
- Termly ‘Literature Works’ network meetings sharing highly effective practice.
- Introductory support and end of year review and evaluation session in school.
- Access teacher development groups and other CPD opportunities.
- Access to resources and website.
Existing Schools, second year (£920) – for partner schools
- This includes the offer outlined above, plus
- Review and evaluation session in school.
- Bespoke key stage support or 1:1 support.
Existing school, Third year and beyond (£540)-for partner schools
- This includes the offer outlined above, plus
- Northumbria university ‘reading’ placements.
Networking Opportunities
Support for SLTs, English subject leaders, development of skills and knowledge transfer, share highly effective practice. (OfSTED related).
Access to Website
A one stop shop for information and advice, shared planning, up to date and useful guidance relating to English/ and English across the curriculum; one click access to local partners and other literature agencies and national bodies.
Practice Development
‘Teacher focus groups’ provide access to collaborative enquiry based learning in relation to a specific areas of English Pedagogy. The session`s provide high quality CPD which are aligned to your school priorities.
Continuing Professional Development
High quality termly CPD for staff and/ or individual`s, including, planning, assessment, teaching and learning strategies.
Library Partnership
Library representation at termly meetings and supported partnership with the local library network; opportunities to discuss and access to text resources.
Annual Conference
‘Love Books’ held in partnership with the library service and held at the City Library. Keynote speakers and CPD workshops.
Heads up literature / reading offers
Early notification of special opportunities, reduced rates where possible e.g. Northern Children’s Book Festival, author visits, library events.